Thursday, May 7, 2009

the unknown of now and later.

Getting this blog started is the start of the unknown...
[how's that to get you blog readers hooked? ;)]

Anyways, as this is my first post in my new photography blog [in which I hope doesn't become another long lost cause that I hardly ever update and hardly ever get anyone coming to visit...ahem..]
I believe I should start out with an introduction of who I am and why I'm here doing this.
First off my name is Jessica L. Burdge, and I will give anyone who can guess my middle name and the correct spelling five bucks. haha.
[I don't think writing this after a long day at work and at the hour of midnight is very smart, but hey if you guys get a laugh or any sense of how strange I am then I guess it is well worth the effort. right?]
Second I am 19 years old. Born on April 4th to two very loving people I like to call mom and dad. I have grown up in their loving care and have been inspired by their own amazing lives, they really are my everything.
I currently am attending Southern Utah University, where I am majoring in Photography and Design.
My hopes are that someday [over the rainbow] I will be able to become a well off artist and photographer, get to travel the world and open up a shop with my mom. The shop wouldn't be just any shop though, it would be one full of art work, music and amazingly beautiful clothes... and [drum roll] most importantly it would help support a charity. :] A good percentage of what we earn would be going to a charity and every year or so I would go on a food/clothes drop to the country of choice that stands in need. I would not only just go to drop off and donate what we had brought but be able to learn the peoples stories, become friends with them, learn the culture and all while being able to be a traveling artist as well.
It may seem like a far off dream in a distant land, but that's only for now... I know I can get there eventually.

Hmm let see, other than those facts here's a few random ones for you all:
I love to perform, singing, acting and dancing. During High School I did nothing but those 3 things, and in my senior year alone I performed over 40 times. I enjoyed it more than anything else, which is until I found the art of photography.
Most people asked me if I went to Cedar to perform and when I said no they where shocked, but I also must confess, so was I.
I'm kind of a hippie child at heart. -minus the druggy part, more so the peace thing.
I love, love, love to travel and learn about different cultures and people.
I wish I could be an archaeologist just like Indianna Jones [although I know that's not how Archaeology goes down these days.]
I also love history.
I am not your normal average teenage girl in more than just one way... just for an example my favorite thing to say currently when the subject of "crushing boys" comes up is: I care more about kids in Africa right now, than boys and relationships.

Hmm what else...
I love chi tea, fedora hats, scarves- especially the ones from sadi Arabia, artifacts from all over the world, vests, my camera, my Mac, my puppy, the beach, supporting good causes, recycling, eating organic foods, adventure, singing anytime anywhere, traveling, anything art related.. for the most part, the golden hours, and uhh Disney.

I wish I lived on the beach because not only is it beautiful, but it's warm.
I hate the cold. period.
My non-relative heroes are
Lara Jade
Joey L
Andrew M
Walt Disney

I have blond hair, blue/green eyes, and currently can't come up with anymore to tell you all...

I guess that means I should get off and go to bed.
Anyways, I will try and post something more related to my photography tomorrow, for now you will all just have to live with my ramblings about myself. :]

Ciao - Jess